Thursday, February 11, 2016



            Bandung – A drizzle welcomed study tour group of MAS Tahfidz Yanbu’ul Qur’an arrival in entrance gate yard of Institute of Bandung Technology (ITB) that was decorated by the creeping plant with the style of ancient architecture. Achmad Luckyta Fasyni, first MASTYQ’s graduation that was accepted to have a college in ITB by taking Science Faculty (FMIPA) exactly for Astronomy major appeared to them in the lane to meeting hall, which was the same place they placed two years ago in the first visit to ITB 2014.
            “I am sorry. Actually, I am not the person in charge. Mr. Budi is the person. But he has a little business. Don’t worry, he will come for us as soon as possible.” Mr. Asep Mulia welcomed us by saying sorry for the late of the public relation staff that would guide them in this meeting.
            After several minutes waiting by watching the video of the initial of ITB, the meeting is decided to start. Mr. Asep pleased Mr. Fanani as the principle of MASTYQ to convey the speech. He introduced their school and their first graduation that could pierce ITB, Achmad Luckyta Fasyni. Besides that, Mr. Fanani also acquainted Muhammad Abyan Dzaka’, one of the students who was interested to have a college there. Mr. Fanani also explained that this was the second visit to ITB.
            In the middle of his speech, Mr. Budi Mulyadi as the chief of sub directory of public relation and publication came to us to lead this meeting. Without any further ado, he took over the speech after Mr. Fanani accomplished his speech and retold the main point to Mr. Budi.
            Mr. Budi started his speech by introducing this hall which had a high history. He said that this hall was built by the Dutch architect and finished on July 3rd 1920. This hall also had ever become the class and the graduation ceremony place of Ir. Soekarno and Prof. Habibie.
Then he explained the pass to enter ITB. Like it’s brother, UNPAD, ITB had no independent pass. Every year, ITB received more than 16.000 bachelor candidate from SNMPTN and SBMPTN with the proportion 60% for SNMPTN and 40% for SBMPTN. ITB applied 10 million for its cost per semester for all faculties. It could be decreased based on the parent’s income. Beside, ITB also offered many scholarships for poor college students.
            ITB also opened the new major in several faculties such as Biomedical, Bioenergy and Kemurgi Technique, Food Technique, etc. It opened more opportunity to the candidate of college students to study in ITB. Now, ITB had 12 faculties. “It’s easy to enter ITB, Be Achievement!” Said Mr. Budi.
             ITB also expanded its college area to Jatinangor, near with UNPAD with the width 47 ha. While in the heart of Bandung city, its width was 30 ha. He told that ITB was research university. That’s why ITB had 202 laboratoriums that could be added more than it.
            In question and answer session, Abyan Dzaka’ which the student who was acquainted by Mr. Fanani just now caused his interest to continue his study at ITB proposed many questions. One of it was asking for the probability of ITB to accept Qur’an memorizer (hamilul Qur’an). “A very great question. I hope so. Attach it to the registration of SNMPTN, ITB will consider it.” Responded Mr. Budi enthusiastic. Beside, Abyan also asked about the cooperation between ITB and Ministry of Religion Affairs (Kemenag RI) in the case of the program of PBSB (Scholarship Giving for a Smart Santri). Mr. Budi replied that ITB had no cooperation with Kemenag RI in that program.

            In the last occasion, Mr. Budi said the hope to Abyan so that he could have a meeting with him on August tomorrow at ITB. “I hope I can meet you again on August tomorrow here.” He said while shaking hand with Abyan.


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